Los Tunos, los Tarkos y los Tercos
Los Tunos, los Tarkos y los Tercos son tres pueblos vecinos. A primera vista, las diferencias entre sus costumbres y comportamientos son enormes, pero pronto entendemos que funcionan como un espejo donde cada pueblo se reconoce en el otro.
Un texto construido a la manera de una enciclopedia, con fragmentos que pueden leerse en orden pero también al azar.
The Tunos are people of few words. The Tarkos, very bad losers. The Tercos, lovers of comfort. However, the differences in the customs and behaviors of Tunos, Tarkos and Tercos -huge, at first sight- work as a mirror where each one is defined by and recognizes itself in the other.
An agile, amusing text, built as an encyclopedia, that can be read in order but also at random because, as it happens in the ‘upside down place’ of Terconia, the end can be the beginning and the beginning, one more invention of the Tercos.
The Tunos, the Tarkos and the Tercos invite us to think that sometimes people are more alike than they seem and that the order of things can be altered just by changing point of view.